


Nina Koren, MSc, MA , PhD

Coun­selling and Vision Coaching

Check Out My New Book




Nina Koren, MSc, MA , PhD

Coun­selling and Vision Coaching

Check Out My New Book

Let’s  walk


Let’s  walk


Nina is a warm, clear, and expe­ri­enced vision coach, author, and train­er spe­cial­iz­ing in per­son­al growth, non­d­u­al­i­ty and Body Mind Integration.

She works in pri­vate prac­tice in Aus­tria and inter­na­tion­al­ly. Nina pro­vides guid­ance to indi­vid­u­als, teams, and lead­ers on how to con­nect to our inner dreams and deep­er whole­ness, so we can live and relate with each oth­er in new ways.

In her books, you can find inspi­ra­tion for your own path:
“50 Shades of Love — A Med­i­ta­tive Journey”.

Nina Koren, MSc, MA , PhD

Do you long  for  a

Change ?

Do you long  for  a

Change ?

There is sup­port for you.

Some­times in life we all feel stuck, lost or anx­ious and long for a change. Some­times we are called to “look at the shit” or leave behind unhealthy, lim­it­ing or destruc­tive pat­terns.

Do you long for deep­er con­nec­tion?  For a sense of life pur­pose and align­ment with what is essen­tial for you?  Is your body call­ing for a rest?

It’s my plea­sure to set out with you on your jour­ney towards joy, sat­is­fac­tion, healthy rela­tion­ships, vital­i­ty and a life you like.


We can work in per­son or do online-ses­sions via Skype/WhatsApp Video-call, in Eng­lish or Ger­man. You can receive per­son­al one-on-one coach­ing or join our self-trans­for­ma­tion groups.

Would you like to learn to live from your most healthy Self and sup­port oth­ers on their path? Have a look at our train­ing pro­grams. They all involve grow­ing joy, inner vital­i­ty, cen­tered­ness, new friend­ships and nour­ish­ment for the soul.

The skills you devel­op on this basis will serve you both in pri­vate and pro­fes­sion­al life.

  • Calm. Rest.

    Let’s sit togeth­er qui­et­ly and find your deep spa­cious Self again.


It would depend on you and on the issues you would like to explore.

Some­times a one-time ses­sion can help unblock feel­ings and sit­u­a­tions. Some­times it is bet­ter to give your­self more time to pre­pare and bring about the changes you might wish for yourself.

I often sug­gest a two-week rhythm. I rec­om­mend you decide accord­ing to what feels best for you.

A ses­sion takes 50 min­utes and costs 120 euro 
(1st ses­sion: 60 min, 120 euro).

BIPses­sions: 95 euro.
5‑ses­sion-series: 450 euro.
Ses­sions for chil­dren: 45 euro.

The 5‑ses­sion-series are non-refund­able and can be booked after the first “get-to-know“ ses­sion. They must be paid in full at the first ses­sion of the series.

Health comes first
: I offer a lim­it­ed num­ber of spaces at a reduced fee for clients in  finan­cial­ly chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tions or in coun­tries with low­er incomes. If this applies to you, con­tact me, so we can check.

Sim­ply send me an e‑mail to and let me know at approx­i­mate­ly what time of day you  would like to sched­ule a ses­sion. I will then check my avail­abil­i­ties and sug­gest some dates.

If you live in or can come to Graz or any of the cities in which I teach, we can set things up for an in per­son session.

Oth­er­wise let’s exchange Skype names or phone num­bers for Whatsapp/Facetimes calls and we will do nice, inspir­ing long-dis­tance sessions.

As a Cer­ti­fied Psy­cho­log­i­cal Coun­sel­lor, Coach and Bren­nan Heal­ing Sci­ence Prac­ti­tion­er® I intend to sup­port you with com­pe­tence, integri­ty and com­pas­sion. I am not a med­ical doc­tor and do not diag­nose.  I reg­u­lar­ly receive super­vi­sion and fur­ther train­ing in my field.

Addi­tion­al­ly, I com­mit­ted to the Eth­i­cal Guide­lines as stat­ed by the “British Asso­ci­a­tion of Coun­selling and Psy­chother­a­py“, of which I am a mem­ber, and the Prin­ci­ples of Prac­tices as adopt­ed by the fac­ul­ty of the Bar­bara Bren­nan School of Healing®.

I can send them to you on request.

It would depend on you and on the issues you would like to explore.

Some­times a one-time ses­sion can help unblock feel­ings and sit­u­a­tions. Some­times it is bet­ter to give your­self more time to pre­pare and bring about the changes you might wish for yourself.

I often sug­gest a two-week rhythm. I rec­om­mend you decide accord­ing to what feels best for you.

A ses­sion takes 50 min­utes and costs 120 euro 
(1st ses­sion: 60 min, 120 euro).

BIPses­sions: 95 euro.
5‑ses­sion-series: 450 euro.
Ses­sions for chil­dren: 45 euro.

The 5‑ses­sion-series are non-refund­able and can be booked after the first “get-to-know“ ses­sion. They must be paid in full at the first ses­sion of the series.

Health comes first
: I offer a lim­it­ed num­ber of spaces at a reduced fee for clients in  finan­cial­ly chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tions or in coun­tries with low­er incomes. If this applies to you, con­tact me, so we can check.

Sim­ply send me an e‑mail to and let me know at approx­i­mate­ly what time of day you  would like to sched­ule a ses­sion. I will then check my avail­abil­i­ties and sug­gest some dates.

If you live in or can come to Graz or any of the cities in which I teach, we can set things up for an in per­son session.

Oth­er­wise let’s exchange Skype names or phone num­bers for Whatsapp/Facetimes calls and we will do nice, inspir­ing long-dis­tance sessions.

As a Cer­ti­fied Psy­cho­log­i­cal Coun­sel­lor, Coach and Bren­nan Heal­ing Sci­ence Prac­ti­tion­er® I intend to sup­port you with com­pe­tence, integri­ty and com­pas­sion. I am not a med­ical doc­tor and do not diag­nose.  I reg­u­lar­ly receive super­vi­sion and fur­ther train­ing in my field.

Addi­tion­al­ly, I com­mit­ted to the Eth­i­cal Guide­lines as stat­ed by the “British Asso­ci­a­tion of Coun­selling and Psy­chother­a­py“, of which I am a mem­ber, and the Prin­ci­ples of Prac­tices as adopt­ed by the fac­ul­ty of the Bar­bara Bren­nan School of Healing®.

I can send them to you on request.


Breath­ing through dif­fi­cult feel­ings was unusu­al for me in the begin­ning, yet it cre­at­ed a big shift. I feel my strenght and a sense of pur­pose again, and there is joy in my body.

Mike K.

Nina has helped me out of my numb­ness and to feel my body and my emo­tions again — it’s like I final­ly got my own self back. Life feels more alive now again, I guess I am more alive.

Veroni­ka N.

I felt ful­ly accept­ed as who and how I am. Nina was with me with so much heart and pres­ence — it helped me move through the hard times after my diag­no­sis with kind­ness and calm.

Christi­na M.


your inner compass.


your inner compass.

Do you feel you are walk­ing your own path? Out of habit, wor­ry and fear or to please oth­ers we often lim­it our­selves, our  true expres­sion and dreams. Or we strug­gle to take a deci­sion that fits.

In my work I cre­ate space for your inner whis­pers – togeth­er we sense into what is essen­tial for you at this moment of your life. And I love lis­ten­ing to all of who you are – your mind, your body and spir­it. They are interwoven.

Food for


Food for


How to over­come anx­i­ety or pan­ic attacks, deal with a nar­cis­sist, man­age anger, stop pleas­ing oth­ers, grieve your loss­es, reck­less­ly love and accept your­self,  grow self-esteem, wise­ly love oth­ers, real­ize your most excit­ing dreams and – yes – how to sim­ply be a human being.

Here is some free inspi­ra­tion for you: Step by step I will cov­er these top­ics. Have a look and let me know what you think!

Beauty, Love and Eros shine from inside

How to unblock your life force and flour­ish naturally.

Is it time to look at your shit? : )

How to change unhealthy lim­it­ing pat­terns and live from your Essence.

Nectar for your body, nectar for your soul

We all long for true affec­tion. Touch-based approach­es can fos­ter con­nec­tion and deeply nour­ish body and soul.