Learn to live from your core and sup­port oth­ers in a healthy way.

Welcome to The Group Experience



How about join­ing a group of like-mind­ed peo­ple, who are long­ing to find inner calm?


As human beings we are wired for con­nec­tion. We can sup­port each oth­er. Let’s restore together.


When we over­come fear and dare to move for­ward it’s nice to have friends around. Ready to join our online-meetings?


How about join­ing a group of like-mind­ed peo­ple, who are long­ing to find inner calm?


As human beings we are wired for con­nec­tion. We can sup­port each oth­er. Let’s restore together.


When we over­come fear and dare to move for­ward it’s nice to have friends around. Ready to join our online-meetings?

You need not meet all chal­lenges in life alone.


Here‘s some information about what to expect:

Every two weeks we come togeth­er online for an hour of  relax­ation med­i­ta­tion.  You will learn a vari­ety of exer­cis­es to let go of stress, release ten­sion from your body and han­dle your every­day  chal­lenges with more ease. We prac­tice cen­ter­ing and realign­ing  with what is essen­tial for you in your life.

In addi­tion, group mem­bers are  there for each oth­er as a resource.

Once a year we orga­nize a group retreat at a beau­ti­ful place.

You are very wel­come to join.

Online meetings:

Fri­day evenings, 19.00 – 20.000  CET, every two weeks

Fee: 35 Euro per sin­gle meet­ing, 60 Euro for 2 meetings

We meet on:

Skype, What­sApp or Zoom Video-Call.

Here‘s some information about what to expect:

Every two weeks we come togeth­er online for an hour of  relax­ation med­i­ta­tion.  You will learn a vari­ety of exer­cis­es to let go of stress, release ten­sion from your body and han­dle your every­day  chal­lenges with more ease. We prac­tice cen­ter­ing and realign­ing  with what is essen­tial for you in your life.

In addi­tion, group mem­bers are  there for each oth­er as a resource.

Once a year we orga­nize a group retreat at a beau­ti­ful place.

You are very wel­come to join.

Online meetings:

Fri­day evenings, 19.00 – 20.000  CET, every two weeks

Fee: 35 Euro per sin­gle meet­ing, 60 Euro for 2 meetings

We meet on:

Skype, What­sApp or Zoom Video-Call.

inter CONNECT me

inter CONNECT me

Become an Ambas­sador of Connection


Become an Ambas­sador of Connection

In this pro­gram we cre­ate space for our inner ‘sound‘– our unique core and deep­est Self. From there we prac­tice con­nect­ed­ness with­in all aspects of life. Deep democ­ra­cy is a basic pil­lar of this work.

Nina Koren and Christof Huber offer a self-devel­op­ment course, a change process facil­i­ta­tion pro­gram (coun­selling and group lead­er­ship) and team-build­ing train­ing for organisations.

Cre­at­ing Connectedness.



In this pro­gram we cre­ate space for our inner ‘sound‘– our unique core and deep­est Self. From there we prac­tice con­nect­ed­ness with­in all aspects of life. Deep democ­ra­cy is a basic pil­lar of this work.

Nina Koren and Christof Huber offer a self-devel­op­ment course, a change process facil­i­ta­tion pro­gram (coun­selling and group lead­er­ship) and team-build­ing train­ing for organisations.

Cre­at­ing Connectedness.


Deeply Touched:
Connecting beyond words

Deeply Touched

Connecting beyond words





Gentle touch.

We all long for true affec­tion. Research shows that gen­tle touch can help to fos­ter con­nec­tion and to deeply nour­ish both body and soul. This is a work­shop to slow down and to devel­op your per­cep­tion and sen­so­ry skills, help­ing your­self and oth­ers to find a sense of inner peace once again. From this state of being stuck pat­terns can dis­solve and change process­es unfold naturally.

Embracing the silence.

Who are we beyond our words or think­ing? How can we meet what can’t be said — in our­selves and oth­ers? This work­shop is based on cur­rent find­ings in the field of touch based approach­es and their rela­tion­ship to deep­er states of con­scious­ness. Nina’s work is based on an inte­gral con­cep­tion of human nature which she uses to describe the deep­er lay­ers of our­selves. Con­cepts of con­nect­ed­ness are the cor­ner­stones of her approach to inner healing.

Try it out yourself.

Nina Koren, who has been a teacher at the Advanced Stud­ies Pro­gram at Bar­bara Brennan’s School and oth­er body ori­ent­ed train­ing cours­es, offers you this week­end-work­shop to get a taste of the sub­tle aspects of our nature and this gen­tle work. The focus of the sem­i­nar is on the prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, per­cep­tion, exper­i­men­ta­tion and learn­ing of new ways of working.

De verkozen pres­i­dent heeft de volksstem­ming gewon­nen, als een van de stem­men zich ver­taalt in daad­w­erke­lijke winst, met ongeveer drie miljoen stem­men. En er is een goede kans dat Trump niet alleen al zijn uitvo­erende acties van zijn voor­ganger met betrekking tot kwest­ies zoals immi­gratie mijnapotheek24h.com, kli­maatveran­der­ing en ander beleid van de regering Trump zal intrekken en vervangen. 

Gentle touch.

We all long for true affec­tion. Research shows that gen­tle touch can help to fos­ter con­nec­tion and to deeply nour­ish both body and soul. This is a work­shop to slow down and to devel­op your per­cep­tion and sen­so­ry skills, help­ing your­self and oth­ers to find a sense of inner peace once again. From this state of being stuck pat­terns can dis­solve and change process­es unfold naturally.

Embracing the silence.

Who are we beyond our words or think­ing? How can we meet what can’t be said — in our­selves and oth­ers? This work­shop is based on cur­rent find­ings in the field of touch based approach­es and their rela­tion­ship to deep­er states of con­scious­ness. Nina’s work is based on an inte­gral con­cep­tion of human nature which she uses to describe the deep­er lay­ers of our­selves. Con­cepts of con­nect­ed­ness are the cor­ner­stones of her approach to inner healing.

Try it out yourself.

Nina Koren, who has been a teacher at the Advanced Stud­ies Pro­gram at Bar­bara Brennan’s School and oth­er body ori­ent­ed train­ing cours­es, offers you this week­end-work­shop to get a taste of the sub­tle aspects of our nature and this gen­tle work. The focus of the sem­i­nar is on the prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, per­cep­tion, exper­i­men­ta­tion and learn­ing of new ways of working.

The Art-of-Loving

Healing School


Bring your inner gift into the world



The heart is your healer.

Your task is not to seek for love,
but mere­ly to seek and find all the bar­ri­ers with­in your­self that you have built against it.


The way we allow our love to flow and the way we block it, are both expressed in our bod­ies, our rela­tion­ships, our inner vital­i­ty and ener­gy and our trust in life and in oth­ers. In the Art-of-Lov­ing Heal­ing School we pro­vide a safe space for explo­ration and healing

The many facets of love.

Love is mul­ti-faceted — from ten­der love to eros, friend­ship, agape and many more.We often sup­press feel­ings of love through past hurt or fear whilst allow­ing our­selves to flow beau­ti­ful­ly in oth­er aspects, where we feel safe or confident.

We can learn to open to, live, speak or act from the whole spec­trum and enrich our life experience.

What do you learn?

In this pro­gram we pro­vide a heal­ing space for the heart. From there we learn to devel­op our inner heal­er to sup­port oth­ers and bring our inner­most gifts to the world. You will hear what both mys­tics and sci­ence say about the heart.

Heal­ing skills involv­ing work­ing with the wis­dom of the body are taught,  along with touch-based approach­es and learn­ing to con­nect with the spir­i­tu­al dimen­sion of our being.

© Copyright Nina Koren, MSc, MA , PhD