This book is ded­i­cat­ed to cel­e­brat­ing love with you – in a med­i­ta­tive space and inspired by the beau­ty of the Adri­at­ic Sea.

We usu­al­ly think of love in its roman­tic sense, in all its bliss and its dra­ma. We can spend a whole life­time chas­ing after what we believe love should look like. The inten­tion of this book is to trans­mit a broad­er, deep­er and more elab­o­rate idea of what love is or can be, beyond the stereo­types or our con­di­tioned ideas of it. It pro­vides a con­tem­pla­tive and prac­ti­cal path to open­ing our­selves to the deep­er, abun­dant and mul­ti-faceted expe­ri­ence of love.

In this book you will find 50 short poems, each a poet­ic trans­mis­sion of 50 faces of love. The poems are con­nect­ed to one anoth­er to build the sto­ry of two peo­ple liv­ing togeth­er very close­ly on a sail­ing boat – and on the adven­ture of their rela­tion­ship under these con­di­tions. The beau­ti­ful pic­tures you will find with some of the poems where tak­en in Italy, Croa­t­ia, and Greece. They illus­trate cer­tain shades of love from an addi­tion­al angle. The book is avail­able to you to nour­ish your heart and soul and to encour­age you to  con­tin­ue your own jour­ney of love with courage and delight.

I’m inter­est­ed in your expe­ri­ence of the book.

What did the „Shades“ touch in you?
What are your very own and unique shades of love?

Let’s con­nect…

This book is also avail­able through a num­ber of oth­er book­stores — sim­ply google “Nina Koren 50 Shades of Love”



I feel as ten­der as the skin of my low­er back,
as soft as the hol­low spaces along my vertebrae
which remind me of the trem­bling nos­trils of young horses.

We embark on our journey.

My body is steadi­ly swayed by the waves.

Wind and sea capri­cious­ly begin wash­ing my soul.

The essen­tial will remain.

1  Spaciousness

My breath­ing spans the space
from the hori­zon to my ten­der lungs. 
My alve­oli reach out to the sun.

This earth is big enough 
to hold my inner agitation
in the vast­ness of its space.