Beauty, Love and Eros shine from inside
How to unblock your life force and flourish naturally.
Do you know those days? We feel down, stuck or stressed, our backs or muscles are aching, the stomach is tight, our energy is blocked and self-doubts or harsh self-judgments are bringing us down. In such unpleasant periods, we usually try hard not to feel our anxieties, our fear of failure, our fear of being seen or all of the anger we have stored up about the seemingly unloving world. How awful! Is this really who we are? Certainly not. The truth is: You are as beautiful as the flowers in the picture in this blog!
Essence – our True Self
When we allow our life force to flow freely, we naturally flourish like flowers. Joy and love for life move through our veins — like young dolphins through the oceans. We feel confident and open to the world and others. We feel ‘okay‘ – just the way we are. I believe this is our natural state. There is nothing we need to strive or fight for. When someone allows their life force to flow, we feel at ease with them. It feels pleasant and invigorating to be in their company.
For centuries, many wise philosophers have tried to describe Essence and find words for who we truly are. Essence is our Core. Aristotle was among the first to write about our ‘Essence‘ – he called it ‘to ti ên einai‘, an ancient Greek expression meaning ‘what it is to be‘. The most comprehensive explorations and descriptions of the nature of reality – and of our ourselves – are found in Buddhist traditions.
Even if various Buddhist schools found various answers to the eternal question: “Who are we? Who is the I“?, they all perceive a relative and ultimate reality: our relative self, which is bound to our everyday personality or identity, and our deeper, bigger or ultimate Self – a Self that cannot easily be described in words.
Beauty, Eros and Love shine from inside
We all know this from very direct and practical experience: Simply look at little children. When they smile, the pure radiance of their true being shines through their eyes like the sun on a beautiful spring day. You carry the same radiance and the same beauty inside you, since the very first day of your life.
Beauty – as well as eros and love – emerge from inside when we are connected to our Essence. When we allow it to move freely through us, it feels like beautiful streams of warm flowing water.
Why then do we not simply live this deeper Self all the time?
We could choose to do so from moment to moment. Yet many times, based on mistaken ideas about ourselves, our fears, anxieties or self-judgments, we don’t dare to shine freely. We hide who we are and think we need to live up to others‘ expectations to be loved. What a painful belief – which in addition usually makes our bodies contract or ache.
We usually don’t even know what others are expecting. We are ultimately striving to live up to our own inner picture of an idealized, yet unrealistic self and we miss the chance to connect with others from our Essence.
But this is not an inevitable fate . We shouldn‘t be depressed about who we are. We can re-learn to dissolve our inner limitations, we can anchor ourselves in our true nature and live and create our lives from there. And it works: I witness it in my sessions with clients daily and with tremendous joy.
I help you dissolve blocks
I gladly help you unblock your life force and find your natural joyful flow and awareness again – in your beautiful heart, in your beautiful body, mind & spirit. You will enjoy feeling at one with yourself again.
Food for Thought
- Where do you block and limit yourself?
- In which areas of your life are you holding yourself back?
- What would it be like for you to let your inner beauty and radiance shine? It’s your birthright – and would most likely be your greatest pleasure – to simply be who You are.
- Send me a note on what comes up in you in response to these questions.

Nina Koren is a trainer,
counsellor and author
in the field of transformation.
She provides in-depth
guidance for individuals,
teams and leaders.
Beauty, Love and Eros shine from inside